Welcome to the Sholan Alliance.

Welcome to the Home Pages of The Sholan Alliance fan club, a series of
books about feline alien telepaths by Lisanne Norman in her science fiction novel "Turning Point" and its sequels.
Our names are N'Ish and Vaughan and we are your guides to the Alliance
worlds and the aliens who inhabit them.
We have a new e-mail address for people wanting
to put together their Sholan descriptions or our fan club - Please mail
The main characters of the books are Carrie, a Human female, and Kusac,
her mind-bonded feline companion. In the first novel, Carrie is part
of Earth's first colony on a distant planet called Keiss when reptilian
alien invaders known as the Valtegans attack and enslave them.
Below are a couple of pictures of us at the recent major UK Science Fiction
convention, Reconvene, over the Easter weekend. Don't let anyone
tell you the British are staid, they're not! I'm still trying to stop laughing
and recover from their masquerade on the Saturday night!
Here you can see me with Lisanne and her friend Pauline at the Adelphi
Hotel in Blackpool at Reconvene, and further over, Lisanne with a wonderful
Delenn look-alike from Babylon 5. I'm the one holding Kaid, the lucky black
cat belonging to our Western Guardian who delegated him (after a major feline
character in the series) to have his photo taken instead of her.
NEWS UPDATE 28th April 2000
New Links
News from Eastercon 2001
Sholan Link
Sonique's Furry
A new section is being added for the latest news. As yet we don't have a side button
for it, but click the link above for now.
The Sholans are a race of cat like humanoid people. Two of their colonies have been attacked by unknown aliens and they are now searching for them.
The Sholan
Alliance series is the story of Kusac and Carrie, a Sholan telepath and
a human colonist from Keiss, Earth's first colony world.
Kusac's scout ship crashes onto the surface of Keiss. An emergency landing
saves his life and that of his crew mates, yet Kusac is badly hurt and can't
join the others in their attempt to hide from the alien invaders of Keiss,
the Valtegans. So he stays behind and starts to search for help on his own...
These pages
contain some additional information about the books, the author, the universe
and the fan club, called The Brotherhood of Vartra
You can find some information about the ships, the Sholan and other cultures
and a list of characters.
The Sholan Alliance series of novels consists of the five books "Turning
Point", "Fortune's Wheel", "Fire Margins", "Razor's
Edge" and "Dark Nadir". The sixth book, "Stronghold
Rising" will be released on June 12th 2000.
Though most
of the times there will be a spoiler warning on top of a page that could give
things away, you might want to be careful while reading some of the lists
and social background pages if you haven't read the books yet.
The list of words and characters, for example, has been compiled and
updated for the situation that existed in the end of "Dark Nadir",
the fifth book.
Here, by kind permission of DAW Books is an interview with Lisanne Norman.
An Interview With Lisanne Norman by Debra Euler of DAW Books Inc.
DE: Why are you a writer?
LN: I write because I love words and their shades of meanings
and because I ran out of the kinds of books I wanted to read when I was
8 years old! I used to read books at the rate of 8 a week, and so
kept running out of them and decided I'd write my own.
DE: Besides providing yourself with matrial, why do you write
LN: Because it makes me think, because I believe mankind
has something to offer the universe. Because I believe in our future,
and I want to live forever! By reading and writing SF I can feel as
if I am alive in the future.
DE: Do you really like cats?
LN: Yes, I love them. I had my first cat for 18.5 years
and he was the one who gave me the idea for the short story of a black cat
walking through snow. That story grew into the novel TURNING POINT.
DE: Are you active in the British or American SF community?
LN: I'm an active British SF fan and have been since 1977.
I was told recently that I was one of the few fans who made the dream (
of being an SF writer ) come true.
DE: DARK NADIR is the fifth of the Sholan Alliance series,
and your audience has been growing with each installment. How many
more books do you envision, or is this an open ended series?
LN: Open ended in that as long as you out there are happy
to buy them, I'm happy to write them. I might take a break from the
Alliance for a year to do another novel at some point so that the series
remains fresh, doesn't become stale for me, but no chance of that yet!
I have parallel stories I can write about some major characters, like Kaid
and T'Chebbie's story, etc. Lots to do if I get the opportunities.
DE: Have you thought about/written any other SF?
LN: I have the beginning 4 chapters and complete draft
outline for another SF book, yes but it is set 200 years from the now of
the series. And I have a short story about how Kate and Taynor were
kidnapped by the Valtegan and ended up prisoners of the Chemerians and being
rescued by the U'Churians. There wasn't time to put that story into
RAZOR'S EDGE, but so far it hasn't got a home yet. Hint, hint!
DE: Got the hint! How about fantasy?
LN: I am doing a series of short stories for DAW anthologies
and a UK one, about a character called Mouse who's a young thief on the
new Alliance world of Jalna. I plan to connect them into a full novel
about her. She's based on my role playing character that I have spent
over 10 years building up. Her adventures aren't games turned to fiction
becaues I find that doesn't work, but she came so alive during the games
for me that she joined Carrie, Kusac, Kaid and the others in nagging me
to write about her. It gets quite noisy inside my head at times with
all these people wanting me to write more about them!!
DE: Hearing voices, eh? Your plots are getting more
and more complicated, and you're constantly introducing more characters.
Have you thought about concentrating on certain characters, leaving some
behind, or moving into the next generation? I'd be interested to see
how the new society of geneetically mixed children develops once they're
LN: Ah, well, I have a trick or three up my sleeve concerning
that, but no more for now......Actually, the new society is developing faster
than I anticipated at least for two groups of people. As for concentrating
on some characters etc, Kaid has featured more heavily in the last 3 novels
than Kusac, so the new one, STRONGHOLD RISING, will be Kusac's. I
moved away from Carrie and Kusac purposely, as when two folk have a happy
relationship, then it's more difficult to write about them as you need tensions
as well as adventures for good stories. DARK NADIR gave me the opportunity
to create those tensions within their triad and this is part of what I'll
be exploring in STRONGHOLD RISING, the novel I'm working on now.
DE: Thanks so much, Lisanne! Any last words?
LN: I am now to be one of the Guest of Honor at the major
annual British SF Con in Blackpool-called Paragon-in 2001, and am in Berlin
at a small con called EuroFurence 5 at the end of July this year.
Details of both on my web pages. And I have a newsgroup at http://www.sff.net/people/Lisanne/newsgroup
or www.sff.net and follow the links for newsgroups
This interview was conducted and written by Debra Euler
and re printed with the permisson of DAW Books.
Lisanne is currently working on the 7th in the series, called BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT. She also has 3 short stories in print in the DAW anthologies called BATTLE MAGIC, MERLIN and SPELL FANTASTIC.
Want to find out more about the books? Then click on the link below
to reach her own pages.
The Sholan
Alliance Homepage
If you have any suggestions, requests or hints, please contact the webmaster. This also includes
spelling and grammar mistakes :)